Former POTUS 45 & Hurricanes?
(#2 in the series: PR?… Activism?… Or both? Sometimes — for a little stress relief — also known as Poking Fun, Some)
They just keep coming… things former President Trump was pondering, while occupying the White House.
He was wondering, when he first got in office, if China — known for manufacturing lots of things — maybe had hurricane manufacturing, in the works?
Did you hear about that in the news? That he was asking national security officials, and others, if China could make hurricanes and fire them at the USA? Would that be an act of war? Could we retaliate?
That would take one effing, humongous launch pad! China’s known for building big things… but a hurricane launch pad, to blast one off, would take some doing? Even for an industrial nation like China.
Setting off nuclear weapons to stop a hurricane… former POTUS Trump reportedly was wondering about that, back in 2019.
Back in 2017, Hurricane Irma had threatened his Mar-a-Lago resort, and Hurricane Dorian, too, in 2019.
But those hurricanes were nature-made, weren’t they? China didn’t have any hand in that? Isn’t that right?