Goodness and the opposite of goodness… Suppose we wonder

Harvey Radin…
2 min readApr 21, 2022

Suppose we do that… wonder about goodness. And wonder, while we’re at it, about the opposite of ‘goodness’… reading the news, below:

(in MarketWatch, for example) “Putin has launched the first economic world war, and the EU and the West are his targets”

(in Newsweek) “Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at lawsuit against her, warns of retaliation”

(in People) “How Trump Spent Easter: ‘He Is No Longer President, So He Doesn’t Have to Go to Church’”

(in the Miami Herald) “DeSantis unleashes vengeance on Disney. This is the stuff of Nixon’s enemies list.”

(in Vox) “Clean energy is buried at the bottom of abandoned oil wells”

(in an article I wrote, May 31, 2019, in the Pagosa Daily Post) “On Sunday mornings, there’s a TV program with heart-warming stories… like the one about a musician serenading immigrants who have just arrived in his city. The musician featured in the story is the music director of the Louisville Orchestra.

“A school bus driver, in another American community, tells kids to watch out for, and to love, one another. He has something good to say, each day.

“A US soldier, who was able to spend free time practicing piano when he was in Iraq, composed music honoring fallen soldiers.

“There’s some good people out there. That’s good to know.”

Goodness and the opposite of goodness.

Suppose we wonder…

After decades in corporate PR, Harvey Radin crossed the Rubicon, so to speak, writing guest articles and commentary in the media.



Harvey Radin…

Image tweaker, guest articles and commentary writer… @hmpresently