No more buns in the oven?
There’s just no two ways about it! Procreation may have to stop!
Folks wanting to engage in it just might have to pull back, maybe for good, considering, you know… that recent high court decision on Roe v. Wade.
What’s that expression about all good things coming to an end?
Being sort of behind this particular sort of thing, that, perhaps, might be coming to an end, might very well impact the Supreme Court’s image, and public opinion of lower courts, and various politicians.
I mean… from what’s been in the news, about doctors maybe going to jail, if they’re even thinking about performing abortions, and expectant moms maybe going to jail if their bodies happen to spontaneously abort a bun in the oven, as they say, and all the other dystopian things that could now happen to women, and physicians, and women’s health, and so on! Just halting procreation might be the only way to go.
Getting your mind on other things, when you’re feeling the urge, might help, a little.
On hobbies, perhaps. On refining your golf swing, maybe taking up sailing, crocheting, sharpening your cooking skills?