Radiating “boundless love”…would seem to make such good sense…

Harvey Radin…
2 min readJan 20, 2022


HMPRESENTLY: ‘The Way Is In The Heart’

by Post Contributor | Jan 20, 2022 | Opinion/Letters

“Radiate boundless love towards the entire world,” said Gautama Buddha — the Buddha — a teacher, an ascetic, and a religious leader in ancient India.

With such polarization and divisiveness in America, and other places around the world, the idea of radiating “boundless love towards the entire world” would seem to make such good sense.

The Buddha also said… “Fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds,” and, “Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.”

We can compare the Buddha’s words to the rhetoric of folks, in this modern age we’re in… like, for example, to former President Trump’s words, when, fairly early in his presidency, he was wondering out loud during a meeting, why “all these people from shithole countries” were coming to America.

He wasn’t exactly radiating, with those words, “boundless love towards the entire world.” Nor was he showing love, when, subsequently, he accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel of “ruining Germany” by welcoming Syrian refugees into the country.

And nor have others, in the public arena, shown much love… like Colorado Congressional Rep. Lauren Boebert, who “suggested to a crowd in September that Democratic Rep. Ilan Omar of Minnesota, whom she called ‘black-hearted’ and ‘evil,’ was a terrorist,” reported CNN.

Far better, as the Buddha said way back when, to “fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds,” and to know that “the way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.”



Harvey Radin…

Image tweaker, guest articles and commentary writer… @hmpresently