Seeking to shape public opinion of freedom & democracy, I wrote an ode
Yes… a sort of Greek or Pindaric public form of communication.
I’m hoping my first-ever ode gets folks thinking about democracy, which began in ancient Greece.
It was just published in the Daily Post…
HMPRESENTLY: Writing an Ode
Posted on September 26, 2022 by Harvey Radin
I had to look up ‘ode,’ before attempting to write one.
An ode, in my favorite online dictionary, is defined as “a lyric poem expressive of exalted or enthusiastic emotion.”
‘Emotion?’ In my ode, there’s some of that. ‘Exaltation?’ I’m sure hoping so, if this ode gets you thinking, some, about freedom and democracy.
I’m sounding syrupy, I suppose, but full steam ahead!
Here’s my first-ever ode:
Oh thee among us, now
So desirous of dictators, now
Of thee, we lament
An authoritarian strutting, hyperbolizing and deceiving, some
A dictator-in-waiting’s will must not be done… even some
Let those who would diminish freedom know our commitment, some
To freedom surging on
Keep dictators-in-waiting from our hearts and souls
And make them rethink their goals
Keep freedom surging on!