So, if you’ve not yet read…

Harvey Radin…
2 min readMar 15, 2023


Very effing fascinating… it’s about psychologically shaping opinion… there’s this article, just below. Both articles, Effing Fascinating and Lots Happening, in a way — shall we say? — relate.

HMPRESENTLY: Lots Happening

Posted on March 15, 2023 by Harvey Radin

Maybe it’s just something about real estate.

First of all, lately, there’s been this growing number of ads on TV, with people in the ads very ready to snap up your home, even if it’s falling apart… no worries, no hassle. No realtors. No home inspection. Cash on the barrel.

And more recently, it’s letters arriving in the mail, with similar home purchasing deals being offered by ‘investors’… which gets you wondering, a little, especially if you happen to be concerned about residential neighborhoods. About preserving them, perhaps because you’re worrying about short-term rentals’ impact on neighborhoods and communities. Could there be some connection? Who knows for sure… maybe, maybe not?

Anyway, speaking of ‘deals,’ folks around our California community have been hearing they’ll be saving money on their heating bill, with natural gas costs projected to be declining in the weeks ahead, probably when it’s Mother Nature turning up the heat, this coming spring and summer… with natural gas and other utility company heat sources not so necessary?

Call me crusty and cynical, but all these deals… one after another…

I originally was going to write about global current events, national hegemony, more legal problems that may soon come crashing down on former President Trump, and extreme weather around the country, which, speaking of weather… strong, blustery winds, caused a skyscraper’s window to come crashing down in downtown San Francisco. The building is partially owned by the Trump Organization.

All in all, lots of stuff going on!



Harvey Radin…

Image tweaker, guest articles and commentary writer… @hmpresently